St. Bartholomew Wigginton


Take a moment to listen to the still small voice of God within the bustle of the day which has begun. Find a quiet place where you can enjoy precious moments of peace in God's presence. Sit quietly and listen to the sounds of the world around you, both outside and in the place where you are. Breathe slowly and rest in God's presence... You may find it helpful to listen to the Daily Prayers on the Pray as you Go website

The Office of Morning Prayer is said daily in the church at 8.00pm

If you cannot come to church, click on the link below to read The Office at your own time. If you would like to make a prayer request please fill in the form below

Prayer Ministry

If you cannot make it to Church please join in with the daily Prayers.

Daily Prayer provided by the official Church of England web site,
©The Archbishops' Council of the Church of England, 2002-2004.

8am CW - Morning Prayer

CW - Evening Prayer

CW Night Prayer (Compline)

Jesus encouraged his disciples to pray and to share in praying together with others.

Do you have something or somebody who you would like us to remember in our prayers?

If you would like us to respond to a personal situation, tell us your E-mail address and we will try to respond to you quickly

If you would prefer - simply leave your Christian name no contact will be made but we will pray for you


Prayers for this week

Take a moment to listen to the still small voice of God within the bustle of the day which has begun. Find a quiet place where you can enjoy precious moments of peace in God's presence. Sit quietly and listen to the sounds of the world around you, both outside and in the place where you are. Breathe slowly and rest in God's presence......

Know that as you journey through this day, that you have a helper, a source of strength and comfort, the reassurance that we are never further from God than a whisper.




Lord God as we come to you in the stillness, help us to focus on you. Keep our minds firmly fixed on what YOU can do, not on our own strength. As we pray for the week ahead, give us the confidence to know that you go before us into every situation. Help us to remember that your strength is so much greater than ours and you offer it to us freely. Give us the humility to ask for your courage and strength rather than seeking to do things our way.

Lord, our confidence is in you: Help us to step out in faith.

Lord, we think about the week just gone. We pause to think about any difficult situations we found ourselves in. We ask: where were you in that situation? We listen in the silence for your response…

Help us to see that you are always there, sometimes ahead of us, sometimes working almost unseen, but you are there. And we thank you.

Lord, our confidence is in you: Help us to step out in faith.

Lord, we think about the battles we have to face in the week ahead. We know that there will be giants and storms along the way, and we ask you to give us trust. To know that you are holding all things together.  Give us the courage to believe that, even though storms may seem to be raging, you are in control.

Lord, our confidence is in you: Help us to step out in faith.

We think about our work, school or home life. Where might there be storms this week? We pray for the tricky situations in these contexts that make us uneasy and uncomfortable. Help us to face difficult situations with grace and love. If there are difficulties with people, we pray for them by name now in our hearts. If there are stressful situations, we offer them to you. Lord, go before us and equip us to handle everything that comes our way.

Lord, our confidence is in you: Help us to step out in faith.

We pray for storms within countries this week: as fighting rages in Gaza and Ukraine (as well as so many other parts of the world that drop off the news agenda), we ask for peace. We know that conflict is not your ideal, so give the leaders of the nations the humility to work towards permanent ceasefires and a lasting peace. Still the storms of conflict, Lord, we pray. Lead us into a new world of love and harmony, where you are in control.

Lord, our confidence is in you: Help us to step out in faith.

Lord, we remember the political battles that are being fought in so many parts of our world right now. We pray that you will raise up leaders of integrity and humility, people who seek not their own strength, but yours. Give us the wisdom to vote for those we know to be people who reflect your will and your ways.

Lord, our confidence is in you: Help us to step out in faith.

Lord, at the end of refugee week, we pray for justice. We cry out to you for all the situations in our world that are causing people to leave their homes and seek sanctuary elsewhere. We pray for those who are trafficked. For those who are abused. For those who are in forced marriages. Those who have no hope but to try and find safety in a culture so far from their own. Give the leaders of the nations compassion as they see the refugee crisis developing. Help them to look through the lens of your love and seek caring solutions that bring lasting security for all whose lives are in turmoil.

Lord, our confidence is in you: Help us to step out in faith.

Lord, we remember all those facing the battle with sickness and ill health. We pray for those facing a hard future of treatment and hospital visits. We remember any who we have been asked to pray for… Lord, give them and us the courage to face adversity knowing that you walk beside us. Hold our hands, hold their hands, at all the times when there is pain and distress. Pour your peace into every painful moment…

Lord, our confidence is in you: Help us to step out in faith.

Lord, we remember those who are facing other storms in their lives right now… bereavement, hard decisions, redundancy, turmoil in their family life… Lord, the disciples saw you sleeping and thought you didn’t care. But you were still there, present with them, confident in who God is. And then you spoke, and all was calm… Lord, speak to those who need to hear you calming their storms and give them courage to face the future…

Lord, our confidence is in you: Help us to step out in faith.

Finally, Lord, we turn to the week ahead. There may be so much we know about what will happen and who we will meet. There may also be so little… Help us to go into every situation equipped not with our armour, but with yours. Show us the gifts you have given us to use… Teach us to look to you for strength and courage rather than trying to solve our own problems. Still our storms with your peace and help us to keep our eyes fixed firmly on you.

Page last updated: Friday 21st June 2024 10:05 PM
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